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Real-time data

Saving Primrose Creek

It is January 30, 2021, at 1:35 PM (UTC-5:00). In two hours, streamflow at Phillips Mill, Solebury Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, has dropped three inches in depth, from 4.7 to 1.7 inches (120 ...

Parking lot outflow to an icy stream.

Investigating Road Salt and Deicer Stream Contamination During a Snowstorm

Understanding the patterns and timing of road salt and deicers entering local streams is important for providing feedback to local decision-makers, guiding watershed management strategies, and improvi...

EnviroDIY Monitoring Station for Measuring Road Salt

The effects of road salt on stream macroinvertebrate communities are becoming well understood, and therefore road salt isn’t necessarily an “emerging” contaminant. But road salt content in streams cou...